How to creates a free micro instance at Amazon

Step 1: Creates your AWS account

  1. Enter in
  2. Creates an Amazon account, the same used to purchase books (requires a valid credit card)
  3. 3. Completes the form..
  4. Verifies your telephone

Step 2: Creates a micro instance

  1.  Enter in
  2. Goes in ‘Account’ > ‘AWS Management Console’
  3. Click in EC2 (default hostage: US East N. Virginia)
  4. Click in ‘Launch instance’
  5. Select ‘Classic Wizard’
  6. Choose an image (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS)
  7. Selects instance ‘T1 Micro, 613MB Free Tier’ (On demand)
  8. Skips Advanced Instance Options (choose specific kernetl or RAM disks)
  9. Storage (8 GB)
  10. Skips Tags
  11. Createa key pair named ‘microaws’ (do NOT proceed without a Key Pair)
  12. Skips configure firewall (which will creates group quick-start-1, allowing SSH at 22)
  13. Review instance info and
  14. Launch it

Step 3: Access instance via ssh

  1. Change key pair file permission
    • chmod 600 microaws.pem
  2. Connects to remote host:

Step 4: Enables port 80

  1. Enter in
  2. Goes in ‘Account’ > ‘AWS Management Console’
  3. Click on ‘Security Groups’
  4. Select group ‘quick-start-1’
  5. Click on tab ‘Inbound’
  6. Add rule > Create a new rule > HTTP
  7. Apply Rule Changes
  8. Tests port 80
    • telnet <EC2-HOSTNAME> 80


One Response to How to creates a free micro instance at Amazon

  1. Amol Patil says:

    Thanks for the information EMANUELVIANNA.

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